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you would get an operation and in that operation you would get a metal rod inside

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Q: What happens if you bent your arm the other way?
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h...he did things... horrible, horrible things...I didnt know an arm bent that way..and the kittens.. the poor kittens.

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You could have strained the connective tissue between the muscles.

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Fold it back the other way, there will be a crease but it'll be straight.

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You have to have a puller to get it off the gear box, no other way. PIT-MAN ARM PULLER

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First of all, Chevy rocker arms NEVER tighten all the way up. You probley have push rods BENT on both valves. But it sounds like the camshaft lobes are worn off and the bottom of the lifters are worn out. Replace bent push rods and cam and lifters.

You bent your arm the wrong way and now you are getting severe sharp pains between your bicep and tricep but you can flex your muscles without anyproblem what is wrong with your arm?

It could be just a muscle strain, or maybe a torn ligament, but I would think you pulled a muscle, not that bad

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When a bearded dragon waves its arm, it is a sign of submission or a way to communicate with other bearded dragons. It can also be a way for them to show they are not a threat.

If a couple are out on a date and walking arm in arm does the girl hold the boy's arm or is it the other way around?

You can do whatever is comfortable but generally the girl holds the boys arm given the sense he is leading her and protecting her.

Why does your boat pull left to right?

A bent blade on your prop will make your boat pull one way or the other.