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Well the fatboy gets killed by a huge stone and the main character runs away because the kids want to kill him. He is hiding and the island kids put the trees on fire. Hes about to be caught and then out of nowhere a man appears and takes them home

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13y ago
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10y ago

After Piggy got killed at castle rock, Jack and his 'tribe' go searching for Ralph so that they could murder him. Ralph hides in the forest only to figure out that Jack and his tribe had set the island on fire. Ironically, similar to Ralph's main goal of keeping the signal fire alive in order to get rescued by a passing ship, a military boat went by and witnessed the fire resulting in the rescue of Ralph and the remaining islanders. When arriving on the boat the military general became astonished of how a 'British man could do something so uncivilized'. Which is apart of Golding's use of irony since the military after all was killing people left and right during WWII. Also, Ralph due to immense sorrow realizes his disconnection from society and how that resulting in the death of a good friend (Piggy as well as simon). He then realizes that he and the others could never retain the innocence they had before entering the island.

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13y ago

The remaining boys (everyone apart from Piggy, Simon and the boy with the birth mark - because they have died) are rescued by a naval officer.

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15y ago

Chapter Seven ends with Ralph, Jack and Roger climbing to the top of the mountain, where they see the dead body of the pilot but in the darkness they mistake it for the beast.

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12y ago

Simon is killed after they think the he is the beast. everyone leaves ralphs group. Ralph accidently kills Piggy after fighting with Jack. They are finally rescued by the naval officer

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10y ago

At the end of Chapter 3 in "Lord of the Flies", Simon crawls inside this space (we cannot imagine why) and chills out there while evening approaches, musing non-specifically.

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14y ago

They are saved.

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15y ago

Read it and find out.

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10y ago

Stop looking up answers for Mrs. Walsh.

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Q: What happens at the end of chapter 5 in Lord of the Flies?
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The jungle

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the end of chapter 5

Is the last chapter of the Lord of the Flies effective?

Yes, I think so. It adds a realistic and ironic end to the story.

Lord of the flies how does chapter 7 end?

Chapter Seven ends with Ralph, Jack and Roger climbing to the top of the mountain, where they see the dead body of the pilot but in the darkness they mistake it for the beast.

In the lord of flies What do the boys find at end of the chapter?

At the end of "Lord of the Flies," the boys discover the dead body of a fighter pilot whose parachute becomes entangled in the trees on the island. The boys mistake the body for the mythical "beast" they have been terrified of, deepening their fear and paranoia.

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In Chapter 9 of "Lord of the Flies," the boys are caught up in a frenzy during Simon's murder. They mistake him for the beast and viciously attack him, eventually leading to his death. The boys are swept up in the chaos and violence of the moment, illustrating their descent into savagery.

In lord of the flies What opportunity does jack miss at the end of the chapter?

to kill a pig that was tangled up in the vines on the way down from the mountain

What change in the tribe do you believe is foreshadowing at end of chapter 6 in lord of the flies?

At the end of Chapter 6 in "Lord of the Flies," the choice of the boys to hunt and kill a sow foreshadows a darker, more violent turn as they descend further into savagery and lose their connection to civilization. This act marks a shift towards primal instincts and power struggles within the group that will have dire consequences later in the novel.

What were samneric doing in the beginning of the chapter 10 Of Lord of the flies?

At the end of chapter eleven samneric were taken by Jack and his tribe and forced to join Jack's tribe. In twelve they have to work with the tribe to try and find Ralph on the island. Nothing real serious happens to them. they don't get hurt of killed.

What page number shows jack steal piggy glasses on lord of flies?

Jack steals Piggy's glasses in Chapter 4 of "Lord of the Flies," which varies depending on the edition and formatting of the book. You can find this scene towards the end of the chapter where Jack and his tribe raid Ralph's camp for the glasses.

What opportunity does jack miss at the end of the Chapter 1 in the book lord of the flies?

At the end of Chapter 1 in "Lord of the Flies," Jack misses the opportunity to kill a pig due to his hesitation and reluctance. Despite having the chance to prove his hunting skills and leadership capabilities to the other boys, he fails to follow through and make the kill. This moment foreshadows Jack's internal struggles and descent into savagery later in the novel.