Jo's father was sucked away and killed by an F5 tornado in the opening sequence of the movie.
nothing. On twitter he has posted pics and comments about his dad. He is just not with his mum anymore.
He died.
well in the universal studios they showed a video of the makers and they said that it was an actual twister that happened somewhere around 1978 or somethiing .. (but idk if they were there when it happened or not)
The film Twister was filmed in Oklahoma, but some of it was filmed it Wakita.
Twister Mania happened in 2011.
Trail of the Twister happened in 2010.
Carrie Underwood's dad is alive and is very healthy and well.
o yea yeeehawww
Henry goes to live with his brother, Charlie's Great-Grandfather and Manfred's mother uses the Time Twister to go back to a time before her hand got crushed.
"Twister" was released in 1996.
Ferb's dad is on the show and Phineas' dad was never mentioned on the show so we don't know what happened to him.
Spinner's dad died from lung cancer.
"Twister," as in "tornado," is "tatsumaki" in Japanese.
no one knows. He just grew up without one.
died of cancer