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He played Charvel Guitars, and I've only seen a couple of clips live of his playing. A few pictures from Holland have been posted, but nothing else. There is a Legends Tour with 'original members' of the SCB, but no McDermott noted in the lineup.

Tom grew up with me in Burbank CA-- he plays every now and then but has settled into a "normal" life back in Burbank. Tom is still a handsome guy, and one of the nicest people I've ever known!

To add: Tom is now a postman for the city, and he has resumed his guitar playing in a jazz duo called Sand. Check out the website at . They play around L.A. a couple of times a week. I agree with the answer above, Tom is a great guy and still quite the musician.

One correction to the above. The "ORIGINAL STONE CITY BAND" is not touring with the "Legends Tour." They are on their own tour. Don't be confused with the "Stone City Band" and "The ORIGINAL STONE CITY BAND!"

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Q: What happened to Tom McDermott of the Stone City Band?
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