I think England was under a nuclear war while the boys were on the island because if it was just a hot war there would be no need to actually evacuate.
The boys home country is England.
Saying that the Lord of the Flies speakes in 'the voice of a schoolmaster' shows that Simon is still thinking of home, but more importantky that the boys are following the Lord of the Flies rules on the island in the same way they would the schoolmaster back in England.
Lord of the Flies is narrated from a third person viewpioint.
In lord of the flies, ben is a follower of jack...or a choir boy.
The Lord Of the Flies itself to Simon
The book "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding was copyrighted in 1954.
The publishing company for the novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding is Faber and Faber.
i don't know i am sorry
The boys home country is England.
Emperor of the Flies, it explores what would have happened if the boys were not rescued.
The boys in "Lord of the Flies" are British. They are schoolboys who get stranded on a deserted island during a wartime evacuation.
The boys in Lord of the Flies are from England, to quote Jack, in chapter 2: Fire on the Mountain... "After all, we're not savages. We're English; and the English are best at everything."
England was ruled by a Lord Protector for 12 years.
Saying that the Lord of the Flies speakes in 'the voice of a schoolmaster' shows that Simon is still thinking of home, but more importantky that the boys are following the Lord of the Flies rules on the island in the same way they would the schoolmaster back in England.
How is Simon from lord of the flies?