If you are talking about the anime then, *spoilers* at the end of Hunter x Hunter Greed Island both Killua and Gon fly to where "Ging" is but it turns out to be Kite.
Relic Hunter ended on 2002-05-20.
The last episode of "Gilligan's Island" ("Gilligan, the Goddess") left the castaways stranded because the series was cancelled and the producers did not have the opportunity to end things as they liked with them being rescued .
The first Hunter X Hunter series ended with episode 62. Kurapika x Friends x End of Spiders . The second series is ongoing .
dolla bill dies at the end by Kane
Greed Magazine ended in 1989.
Greed Mask ended on 2006-01-27.
The Greed of Man ended on 1992-11-27.
Heart of Greed ended on 2007-06-01.
Maclean-Hunter ended in 1994.
Hunter Mutual ended in 2010.
Hunter Mariners ended in 1997.
The Dear Hunter is an indie rock band that originated in Providence, Rhode Island. It was originally started as a side project by Casey Crescenzo, a full-time member of The Receiving End of Sirens, but eventually became his main project after he was asked to leave The Receiving End of the Sirens. He expanded the scope of The Dear Hunter into a 6-album project that covered the birth, life, and death of a boy known as "The Dear Hunter".
The Crocodile Hunter ended on 2004-11-22.
The Lonely Hunter ended on 1981-03-13.
Relic Hunter ended on 2002-05-20.
She is an unscrupulous fortune hunter out to profit from the cryptids she finds. She sabotages your kite surfer, then appears at the end to try to kidnap Bigfoot. (see related question)