For a fact it is dirty/dark blonde. Because if u look at pictures of when he was a little kid you can tell.
Now it's actually dark brown but when he was younger he died it blonde.
The color of his hair is brown. You can see his natural color in his eyebrows.
Hair gets it's color from melanin pigments found in your hair's cortex.
Her natural hair color is a dark brown or black if you see her sister she has black hair and so does Nikki Dee.
Red hair
The color of his hair is brown. You can see his natural color in his eyebrows.
Eminem's original hair color is dark brown, the color it is now.
No. Originally, his hair color was brown - he dyes his hair.
He actually dyed it blond, but never black. He used the blond hair for his Slim Shady character. Albums like The Slim Shady LP or Relapse portrayed this side of him. Eminem switched back to his natural hair color after leaving the "Eminem's on drugs" persona behind with the Recovery album. His hair is a dark brown naturally. It may appear black but is not.
Eminem's hair color is dark brown right now. He died his hair blonde when he was little. Now he just switches every so often.
His hair was brown in 2010.
his favorite color was light blue
Em's favorite color is baby blue <33