Nu Metal, Hard Rock, Alternative Metal, Hard Rock, all the awesome stuff.
Yes, Disturbed is the best band.
No, Disturbed is one of the straightest bands alive! Their music is amazing!
a sub category of a specific genre. Example Mystery is a genre and detective is a meta genre of the mystery genre.
the band Disturbed sang down with the sickness on their album The Sickness in 2000
The prefix sub- means "under," or "lesser." A sub-genre is a genre within a genre, that is a specific category within a more general one. For example, within the genre of Juvenalia, or "children's literature," a sub-genre might be books specifically intended for pre-teen boys.
There have many debates on where Disturbed stands in terms of a genre. David Draiman has stated that with his music he was "following in the footsteps of the bands that inspired him." Such bands include Judas Priest, Metallica, Pantera, and Black Sabbath. I personally consider them hard rock.
Disturbed is being listened to by all the "Fans" or metal-heads over the years. They are the keystone of why metal is still around. Personally,I dont believe Disturbed is Nu Metal/Hard Rock,I believe they are the music of the GODS! They,themselves,have created....a new genre...Damn fine work......
Yes, Disturbed is the best band.
disturbed Glass Shattered By Disturbed
The duration of Dentally Disturbed is 360.0 seconds.
Depending on context, disturbed can be translated as:gestörtgeistesgestörtbeunruhigtverwirrtstörtebeunruhigte
The duration of Disturbed - film - is 1.6 hours.
Well knowing that Disturbed is the only band out of the two. Disturbed, ICP is a hip-hop duo group.
The past simple form of "disturb" is "disturbed." For example, "The loud noise disturbed my concentration."
Decadance by Disturbed