I'd say alternative rock. According to Wikipedia, their genres are alternative rock and 'powerpop' (whatever powerpop is...)
a sub category of a specific genre. Example Mystery is a genre and detective is a meta genre of the mystery genre.
The prefix sub- means "under," or "lesser." A sub-genre is a genre within a genre, that is a specific category within a more general one. For example, within the genre of Juvenalia, or "children's literature," a sub-genre might be books specifically intended for pre-teen boys.
heist genre
The overall genre of The Lion King is the animation genre.
A song from any genre could have 94 bpm. Bpm does not specify a genre.
its in the rock/pop genre
You should write the genre that you most like to read!
You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring, is seen as in the Punk Rock genre.
OK Go was created in 1998.
Comedy and tragedy go into this genre
OK to Go was created on 2004-09-21.
I go to netball, it is ok = Ich spiele Korbball, es ist ok
To some people he isn't, because rapping might not be there genre of music, but in my opinion he is ok at rapping.
OK Go - album - was created on 2002-09-17.
Idk ok go on wikipedia ok bye nevr get on this ookkk byeI SAID NEVER OK GO ON WIKIPEDIA OK BYE=)
Invincible - OK Go song - was created in 2006-06.
As drama genre is the most popular genre because it can relate to real life people and what they go through day to day.