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the forces out of my bum hole.

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Q: What forces do hand gliders use?
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Related questions

Are hand gliders and hang gliders the same thing?

Hand gliders do not exist - just bad grammar for hang glider.

How are hang gliders used on space?

Hang gliders are not used in space. They rely on Earth's atmosphere for lift and are designed to be used in the planet's atmosphere. In space, spacecraft use thrusters and other propulsion systems for movement and control.

How do you use gliders in a sentence?

Three gliders are going to land in just a few minutes.

How do sugar gliders climb?

Sugar gliders have sharp claws which they use to climb trees and other objects.

How does screwdriver use the principles of forces?

You have to move it (by your hand) and it takes some force to do that...

Do sugar gliders have teeth?

yes , sugar gliders do have sharp teeth....but usually the males are the ones who bite....female sugar gliders on the other hand ARE ABLE to bite but usually dont....if you get bitten by hurts but you dont usually bleed.

What aircraft has no energy?

Gliders use no energy but they do use an airplane to tow it into the air.

Are airplanes and gliders the same?

All gliders are airplanes, but not all airplanes are gliders.

What types of silent planes did the allies use in the invasion of the french coast?

They were gliders

Do sugar gliders have jobs?

No, sugar gliders do not have jobs.

Are Sugar Gliders racist?

No, sugar gliders are not racist.

What American forces communists relied on hand-to-hand combat?

the American Indians