its sappose to be the episode that inuyasha sees kagome soaking in that ogars tub so that he can eat her
The episode where Kagome sees Inuyasha naked for the first time is episode 79 or JAKEN'S PLAN TO STEAL THE TETSAIGSA.Inuyasha is in a hot spring when he falls and Kagome comes to see what hgappend.Then she sees him naked. The episode where Kagome sees Inuyasha naked for the first time is episode 79 or JAKEN'S PLAN TO STEAL THE TETSAIGSA.Inuyasha is in a hot spring when he falls and Kagome comes to see what hgappend.Then she sees him naked.
I believe it is in the 2nd episode, when he goes through the well to get Kagome back because she can see Yura's hair.
I am 100% sure its episode 57-58-59 either one of them. !
Rin first appears in episode 35 after she finds Sesshoumaru. I don't recall all the episodes, but my favorites are episode 80 and 81 (Rin is kidnapped and Sesshoumaru saves her), episode 96 (Jaken Falls Ill. Sesshoumaru saves Rin from falling off a cliff after she tries to find a cure for the poison that the Saimyosho injected into Jaken) and 162 (my ultimate favorite where Rin is kidnapped again and Sesshoumaru is attacked by a pack of monks. He battles them and then gives Rin a second choice; whether she would like to continue following him or stay with humans). She appears in Lot's more. These are just my favorites. Oh yes, she appears in the last two episodes (166 and 167).
Sesshomaru doesnt see kagome bathe in episode or movie
No.. If you watch it you will see...
episode 48
The episode where Kagome sees Inuyasha naked for the first time is episode 79 or JAKEN'S PLAN TO STEAL THE TETSAIGSA.Inuyasha is in a hot spring when he falls and Kagome comes to see what hgappend.Then she sees him naked. The episode where Kagome sees Inuyasha naked for the first time is episode 79 or JAKEN'S PLAN TO STEAL THE TETSAIGSA.Inuyasha is in a hot spring when he falls and Kagome comes to see what hgappend.Then she sees him naked.
Episode #160 "The Lucky but Two-Timing Scoundrel"
The scenes you describing sound similar to the first inuyasha movie. hope that this helps =]
I believe it is in the 2nd episode, when he goes through the well to get Kagome back because she can see Yura's hair.
Inuyasha doesn't try to kiss Kagome in any of the episodes. However on episode 14 it would seem that he is trying to kiss her when he really is looking deep into her eyes to try to see Miko (pristess) Kikiyo in her, since Kagome is Kikiyo rencarnation. The only time where Kagome and Inuyasha do kiss is on 'Inuyasha the movie 2' I'm sorry if this is what you weren't looking for.
yes you do when she is a baby with the sacred jewl in her, but after the whole love story of inuyasha and kikyo they show how kagome is reincarnated wth kikyo
Yes because of an episode that showed inyuyasha being "interested" while kagome was taking a bath lol
Yes, in a way. Watch episode 26 of Inuyasha the Final Act (the last episode) & you'll see what happens. ;)