what do we need to do to get an international travel tour guide card from US
Adeline St. Romain
Masters in Design.
Retardation. The only thing he knows is to whine in a mic for 13-yr old girls.
A tour leg is a section of tour, i.e. a continent.
Signal Fire
you need to get the tour guide hat. go to the tour guide stand and get the book. the hat is in the book.
When you become a tour guide you get it free so you don't need to pay for it.
no you dont have to be a member to be a secret agent or a tour guide
you have to be a penguin for at least 30 days and then you can take the test to become a tour guide (it's SUPERRRR easy)
Types of tour guide are :-1 Rural; tour guide2 Urban tour guide3 Industrial tour guide4 Driver tour guide
if ur already a tour guide, click on the tour guide thing at the ski village. it will show u how to be a good tour guide.
When you are 45 days old you go to the ski village and click on the tour guide table and take the quiz and hopfully become a tour guide For more information , go to www.clubpenguinssecret.wordpress.com
On club penguin, non-tour guide to tour guide.
To get the tour guide on club penguin, you need to be at least 45 days old. If so, go to the Ski Village and click the tour guide stand. Take the test. You must get 7/8 answers correct to get the hat.
ten commandments of tour guide