It is actually corium which means skin. Because the medical definition of excoriate is to tear of or take away skin. To cause to take away skin.
The noun forms of the verb to excoriate are excoriator, excoriation, and the gerund, excoriating.
what is a cor warrant
COR means correction
The prefix cor- means with or together. One example of this prefix is '''cor'''rect.
It seems to be incomplete. "Cor et" means "Heart and".
The heart of life.
In the presence of; before
Do you mean blimey, as in cor blimey?!
Are you saying that as you heard it? Because that is not really Latin at all, or at least mick isn't. You probably mean cor mic. In that case, it means "my heart"
condemn, reprobate, decry, objurgate, excoriate, denounce