According to Rutherford, the song
is about a guy who's traveled loght-years away, out in space somewhere, and he's ahead in time. Therefore he knows what's going to happen to his wife and kids back home, on Earth. And he's trying to get the message to them to say what's going to happen, the kind of anarchy, the breakdown of society, to tell them to be preparedsavageness
If you mean the producer Mike Tompkins, then he's around 6 feet tall.
If you mean the actors name then it is Connor Byrne.
Easy, Drug Free For Life. Right? I heard this guy named Mike Madison made that up..
A film with spoken dialogue as opposed to a silent film where the dialogue is on a card to be read.
If you mean Mike Rutherford, then he was founder member of Genesis and then I think, Mike & the Mechanics Kilo
A homograph of "to be silent" is the word "mute," which can also mean to be silent or unable to speak.
'Silent night' is supposed to mean (and does indeed mean) that the night in question was quiet and peaceful.
Silent means very quiet, so any words that mean "quiet" can be modified to mean silent. Other options are hushed, noiseless, or soundless.
what does silent dancing really mean
Don't know what you mean by silent chain.
means silent
silent but deadly
To make no noise whatsoever.