The song is called "Make My Day" by Waldeck
Royal instant pudding. I'd love to find that commercial and watch it. I loved it as a very young child.
Melissa Marty
In the commercial of the camel for Geico.
No their is no such thing as a hump day!
Hump Day falls on Wednesday.
Yea every Wednesday is hump day ..
If it's texted on a Wednesday, it means Happy Hump Day.
January 15Answer: i disagree with the answer above i say humping day should be everyday!Happy Humpin!!!!!
There is no "National" Hump Day, Hump day is a Synonym for Wednesday, Imagine going over a hill, at the very top is the hump, so Sunday monday and Tuesday are going up the hill, Wednesday is the hump, and Thursday Friday and Saturday are going down the hill. Hopefully that example made sense to you^_^
Because it's considered "Hump Day" and we all know that any day called "Hump Day" consists of constant surprise-buttsex.
Wednesday is at the middle point of the week so from there the weekend is a "downhill coast" Thereby the phrase wednesday is Over the Hump, or Humpday!
hump day wot wot
In French, "hump day" is translated as "jour du milieu de la semaine," which literally means "middle of the week day."