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World poverty that many struggle and experience in the developing nations

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Q: What does the quote the bonds of mass misery mean?
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What does break the bond of mass misery mean?

Breaking the bond of mass misery refers to collectively challenging and overcoming widespread suffering, oppression, and despair that affects a large group of people. It involves fostering unity, resilience, and a shared commitment to creating positive change and improving well-being for all.

What does the quote the empires of the future are the empires of the mind mean?

mass enlightenment,you are what you think ..endless possibilities

How do you spell moserie?

Do you mean misery?"The earthquake in Haiti caused tremendous misery to thousands of families."

What does misery mean?

Definitions of misery on the Web: * a state of ill-being due to affliction or misfortune; "the misery and wretchedness of those slums is intolerable" * a feeling of intense unhappiness; "she was exhausted by her misery and grief"

What do bonds require in order to be bro ken?

Depends what you mean by bonds... If you mean bonds as a promise, then you must break that promise. If you mean bonds as in gang bonds, then disobey one of those bonds. If you mean bonds as in something restraining something, then you must use whatever is necissary to break the material of the bonds. If you mean bonds as in bail bonds, then do not show up to your court hearing on the specific date and time. If you mean bonds as in Barry Bonds, then you need a random steroid urine test. If you mean bonds, as in James Bond then you need a new actor to replace him, or a silenced pistol, perfect aim, and the art of surprise.

What does nemesis mean in greek mythology?

Something causes misery or death

What does it mean when you quote verbatim?

quote word for word

What does the word gnief mean anger?

Grief means sadness, misery, not anger

What does the word miserable mean?

Full of misery, very unhappy, deeply sad.

What does the quote symbol mean?

" " " "

What does quote mean?

 The word quote means to name the price of something.It can also mean to say something. e.g. He said he could quote what happened in the car crash.

What movie has the quote love you mean it?

mean girls!