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It means we will be under your freedom. The 'we' that this quote is referring to is Burquo, Ross, and Angus from the play Macbeth.

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Q: What does we stay upon your leisure mean?
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u always got someone

What does the Latin word 'otium' mean?

The Latin phrase 'otium' may mean ease, free time, or leisure. The word is the base to the verb 'otiari', which means 'to be at leisure'. It also is the base to the noun 'otiolum', which means 'a little leisure'. And it's the base to the adjective 'otiosus', which means 'at leisure, without occupation' and by extension 'calm, quiet'.

What is the verb of leisure?

The verb form of "leisure" is "to leisure." It means to spend time in a relaxed or enjoyable way, typically engaging in activities that are not work-related. For example, one might say, "I like to leisurely read a book on the weekends."

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What does au center de loisirs mean in french?

A Leisure Centre