The locket that Peeta gave Katniss in Catching Fire is gold and has a mockingjay ingraved in the front, inside the locket there is a picture of Gale and her mother and her sister Prim.
Peeta doesn't fear Katniss. It has never been said that Peeta fears Katniss, but he does love her.
They hide in a cave in both the movie and the book.
The hunger games ends with the games are over and Petta and Katniss love each other and READ THE HUNGER GAMES SERIES TO FIND OUT THE ENDING WORD BY WORD....... Not by summery
The force field that keeps them in the game breaks by an electrical force and Katniss is taken away by people from district 13 (district 12 was destroyed by the Capitol) and she is told that Peeta was captured by the Capitol. More then half of the districts created a new district(district 13) that was blown up a few years back, and the people recreated it underground. They were planning before the Quell was announced, that they would break open the force field durring the games. After it is discovered that Katniss and Peeta were to return to the arena, the planned to take Katniss and Peeta after the force field is blown up, but they end up taking just Katniss. They think that the Capitol will use Peeta as bait to bring Katniss to them and reveal the under ground city in district 13. Haymitch knew the whole time but didn't want Katniss and Peeta to know. They wouldn't have made alliances with the districts as apart of the rebellion. District 12 was destroyed, but gale saved many District 12 before the explosion and escaped to the woods. That is all you learn in that book, but there is more about the escape to be learned in the 3rd book.
Peeta loved Katniss first
They affect Petta and Katniss by Katniss forced to marry Petta and then there are uprisings in all most of the districts and president snow blames it on Katniss . But I know that last part does not relate to the question
How about you figure it out
Peeta doesn't fear Katniss. It has never been said that Peeta fears Katniss, but he does love her.
they get together and have two children
Peeta and Katniss use the nightlock berries on pages 344-345.
So people believe Katniss and Peeta are in love <333333333
In love
Katniss Gale Petta President Snow President Coin
no peeta thought the whole love thing was fake..
They hide in a cave in both the movie and the book.
Haymitch will approve the sponsors for Katniss and Petta.