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Cumulative - increasing or growing in amount, value, force

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16y ago

If you spell it cumulative, you can find it in the dictionary.

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15y ago

mathematics is cumulative because you use your most basic math problem solving techniques in even the most advanced levels of math

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What does the word cummulative mean?

adding up; increasing, growing; accruing

What is the difference between the words cumulative and cummulative?

Cummulative is a misspelling. The word should be spelled cumulative.

If 2.2 was a semester GPA and previous cummulative GPA was a 2.44 what is the new cummulative GPA?

It depends on the number of credits earned for each class.

How does Mercury effect a woodland?

mercury is a cummulative poison.

What is cummulative percentage?

Add % of previous year for next year commulative percentage

What are related risks that increase in effect with each added risk?

Cummulative Risks

What is the difference between a periodic sentence and a cummulative sentence?

A periodic sentence contains a period at the end of the sentence, while a cummulative sentence contains several commas, as the latin word cummus translated into comma in 800 A.D

How do you spell cummulative folder?

The correct spelling is "cumulative" (added or collected over time).

What is the difference between a probability density curve and cummulative distribution function?

what is density curve

Is the cummulative frequency distribution a relative frequency distribution expressed in absolute numbers?

in form of percent

Which account represents the cummulative earning of the firm since it formation minus dividend s paid?

Retained earnings

What is Cumulative preferred?

preference shares has the preferred right to get profit or dividend from profit of the company every year. If company not pay the profit in any year even then in cummulative preference shares case profit for that year keep continues to add until it is paid on the other hand in case of non-cummulative preference shares if company not declare profit distribution for any year it will not add to next period.