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Subjective means there is no one "best" that every single person agrees on. It also means that not everyone agrees if any work of art is good or bad. It's the opposite of objective. All art is consider subjective, because humans have differences of opinions.

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10y ago

Subjective means there is no one "best" that every single person agrees on. It also means that not everyone agrees if any work of art is good or bad. It's the opposite of objective. All art is consider subjective, because people have differences of opinions.

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Q: What does subjective mean in art?
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No art is subjective to each person to decide for themselves.

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Art is subjective, so there is no one deffinition. Its up to each person to deside for him- or herself what art it

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Art is subjective, so there is no one deffinition. Its up to each person to deside for him- or herself what art it

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That depends on your perspective