It's basically what scene's call themselves, and others call them that to. The original word is Scene.
A scenester is someone who does whatever is cool to fit in. some people call them trendy or scene kids. a scenester is more of a follower than a leader. Not true actually, I'm a scene girl, and I'm totally not a follower, I'm not anything, I just do whatever, and I do not do whatever is cool to fit in, I do my own thing. I'm my own person.
Yes sure why not. I was thinking of becoming a scenester
The cast of Orange County Hardcore Scenester - 2011 includes: Brian Balchack as himself Zack De La Rocha as himself Timmy Lunsford as himself Zoltan Teglas as himself
Click this link right here, it'll take you to wikihow. I don't know if you're trying to be scene but this'll tell you all about it in our terms. =]
Pete Wentz was spotted wearing Le Specs Nu-ro Scenester sunnies...
All you do is take different styles and mish mash them, like, take shorty shorts {prepish} with at least two studded belts {punk/emo} hair bows {scenester} and bright and dark makeup, with a shirt of your choice, and there, you made you own mish mashed style. :D
Emos are often portrayed as being sensitive due to their expressive and emotional nature. However, sensitivity varies among individuals within any group, so it's not accurate to broadly label all emos as sensitive.
The cast of Welldigger - 2008 includes: Micheal Black as Priest Carrie Casper as Carrie Phyllis Gooden as Welfare secretary Lisa Holiga as Bartender Dan Kramarz as Angry driver Marcus LeShock as Marcus Tom Mahady as Tom Chinwuba Okafor as Chubbs John Rinkenberger as Matthew Jill Sanderson as Jill Jonna Schlittler as Scenester Keith Shubert as Keith Andrew Sidle as Andy Jeremy Soto as Manager
Well honestly... you shouldn't be a Scene. But if you insist all you have to do is layer your hair (Google Image 'Scene Girls'), wear dark skinny jeans, listen to BrokenCyde and Dot Dot Curve, have some band tees of mainstream music, have colorful shirts with logos and yeah... take pics of yourself on a daily basis and put them on the internet. Warship Hello Kitty. Dye your hair blonde or black or get colorful highlights. Just remember raccoon prints are dead. I don't see why people ashouldn't be scenester. Theres nothing wrong with it.
you mean what you mean
Mean is the average.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.