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Q: What does sam pucket call chis?
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What is sams last name in iCarly?

Her Name is Samantha puckett, Her friends call her Sam for short, and she's played by Jennette murcurdy. sorry if i spelt it wrong. plz correct my spelling. JUST SPELLING PLZ.

Is Sam Puckett a tomboy?

Sam Pucket is a tomboy

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Love you sam pucket :*

Who in iCarly harasses people the most?

sam(samantha) pucket

What is Sam's name on iCarly real name?

Samantha Pucket

Who is Sam pettit?

sam pittit is not a real name her name is sam pucket but that's only her name on icarly

When was sam pucket born?

Sam Puckett (Jeanette Mccurdy) was born on the 26th June 1992.

What is sams name in iCarly?

Jennette mcCurdy aka sam pucket

Is Sam Pucket really a website?

it is sort of if you type it in it just go's to :)

Does sam pucket ever get pregnant because of Freddie?

if ur talking about icarly...then no

Why is sam puckett so mean?

Because she can fight, she eat that who she is samtha pucket

What does sam pucket on icarly do after she leaves iwin a date?

she goes downstares and eats a ham