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"Rave out id the opposite to chill out rave out means go mad to help do a little crab rave. crab rave is a rave with your hands when they look abit like crabs or finger rave.

Rave on is whats said when your already raving out rave on means continue

so rave on rave on

but the crab rave is vair vair better

hope this was some help but serousily you expect an serious answer when you ask "What does rave-out mea?" where have you been???"

'Rave out' is the opposite of 'chill out'. 'Rave out' means go mad; to help do a little 'crab rave'. Crab rave is a rave with your hands, when they look a bit like crabs. Also called 'finger rave'.

'Rave on' is what's said when you're already 'raving out'. 'Rave on' means to continue to 'rave out', but the 'crab rave' is vair vair (no such word in the English language. Don't know what was intended) better.

Hope this was some help. Did you serousily expect a serious answer when you ask "What does rave-out mean?" Where have you been???

--I have corrected spelling and grammar in the illiterate scrawl at the top. Perhaps one should spend more time in school, as I did, and less time "raving out". Not everyone lives in the Pop-Culture world. Perhaps someone can define this WITHOUT using more senseless, meaningless, mindless, drug-induced jargon?

If I understand correctly, being a mindless, party boy/girl is now being called "raving out" or "to go raving"? - Heather Ceana

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