When it's just the thumb and pinky sticking out it can me multiple things:
- As a sign of endearment (In Hawaiin culture)
- It's the letter "Y" in American Sign Language
- It can mean "call me" when you put it up to your ear.
- In the surfer world, it means "hang ten bro".
he was hungry
To slow down
The "Hand of Mysteries" is an ancient symbol of invitation. It is given to someone who is being invited to learn secret knowledge. Each finger has it's own unique symbol. The pinky is pictured with a key, the ring finger with a lantern, the middle finger with a sun, the index with a star, and the thumb with a crown. The meaning behind these pictures has and will always be a mystery and will be debated upon for centuries to come.
Its not the shocker obviously whoever said that is off by a long shot. he's showing the Memphis sign. therefore putting the middle finger and pinky finger up, you have the ring finger that's half up, giving the illusion of an "M". P.S. to the person who thought it was the shocker the shocker is the pointer finger that is added"2 for the pink, 1 for the stink
It doesn't mean anything. John cena changes his hand signals all the time. He does it to make the fans do it. It's a popularity thing. WORD LIFE!!!!! JoKeRakaStetson!!!!!!!!!! Well actually,........... the "hang-loose" hand gestures john cena used was to represent the "W" in word life so it does mean something.
Raised pinky means you want to go pee (in other words, go do #1).
It means "Evil Spirits" so when you do that your erasing all the evil spirits.
Salut: if you mean how does one sign it, it's.... C - make a C with the hand A - make a fist with the thumb on the side S - make a fist with the thumb in the front E - make a fist with the fingers opened so that the fingernails are resting on the thumb Y - Point the little finger and thumb out, and the other fingers curled down.
When a person uses their thumb and pinky finger extended, it usually signifies the "call me" hand gesture. It is a non-verbal way of suggesting that the person should contact them, typically by phone.
This is a silly,playful, lighthearted way of teasing. It means "I got you", "ha, ha", "na, na, na".
You put your pinky and thumb up on the same hand and twist ur hand from side to side. Kinda like surfers would do to mean narly or wickedd.
Holding out your thumb and pinky is a common hand gesture used to signify "call me" or "rock on" in informal settings. It can also represent the "hang loose" gesture associated with surf culture.
A fist pound is when you make a fist and bump it against the other person's fist, or beat your fist against something.
The two toddlers dueled in a fisticuffs battle; one of them using his fingers instead of his fists and the other using his head, literally. Their parents just watched entertained by a battle that was not getting anywhere.*Hope this helped☺
There is no fist desk but you could mean fist deck. In which case:It can be a Fist Deck skateboard (Toy Machine brand).
what does it mean to have a mole on your right pinky finger
a fist or a strong fist