poco maestoso means little majestic
poco means little
maestoso means majastic
Maestoso means majestic, with passion. and andante is a "tempo" indication, it means fast.
decrease the volume, little by little
Maestoso Borina was a famous, extraordinary Lip izzaner Stallion.
poco moto means "little movement"
I. Lento maestoso - Allegro molto II. Poco adagio - Vivace non troppo III. Andante - Vivace non troppo IV. Andante moderato V. Allegro VI. Lento maestoso - Vivace
Andante is a tempo that means "moderately slow," and maestoso means "majestically," so andante maestoso means "moderately slow, in a majestic manner".
Poco a poco means gradually.
Maestoso means majestic, with passion. and andante is a "tempo" indication, it means fast.
Majestic, with passion.
Maestoso means light and majestic so it would probably be more slow than fast.
Maestoso Borina's fathers name was Maestoso Alea
decrease the volume, little by little
Poco is a Spanish word. In English translation, poco means "little bit". It may also mean short, shallow, few, or lesser.
The literal translation of "Poco a poco" is "Little by little". The expression is used to prompt someone to be patient and conscious of his/her limitations when pursuing some ambitious goal.
Maestoso Borina was a famous, extraordinary Lip izzaner Stallion.
Depends on the exact context. Poco = a little bit, Small portion, somewhat