OVOXO translates to October's Very Own And The Weekend (XO) It Is A Collaboration Group Between Singer/Rap Artist Drake and Singer The Weekend. OVO stands for October's Very Own Which Is Widely Known As Drake's Moniker as he was born October 24. Drake Even holds an annual OVO festival in Toronto Canada. The logo for OVO is an owl that Drake can be seen wearing at times. XO is the slogan and logo of R*B singer The Weeknd. Which is from the very old Slang standard in which X's Exasty , O's Oxy. This Collaboration was brought about when the Also Toronto Based artist The Weekend came to Drake with a 'Demo tape" And Drake was Enamored with his singing talents So they just often refer to they're dynamic duo as OVOXO.....OVOXO Is the official name of their 1st 21song mixtape together where they help and even produce songs for one another although they both are only featured on few songs together. OVOXO
drake is in a group with the weekend and others who make mix tapes.
YMCMB and OVOXO are drakes producers.
It stands for ecstasy an oxycodone. Drakes and the weekends favorite drugs. That's why he says xo till we overdose
the function is that its molecules is easily bind to lipids' molecules which in turns makes it easier to clean
YMCMB and OVOXO are drakes producers.
OVOXO Records is a record label, founded by Drake & The Weeknd. OVO stands for Octobers Very Own(Drake is born in October), X stand for Ecstasy, and O stands for Oxycodone, which are the other nicknames for music artist The Weeknd.
you mean what you mean
Mean is the average.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.
The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.
The correct usage is "what DOES it mean"
The haudensaunee mean irguios