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I know the first part she say "Yes" and some thing about "transfer"

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Q: What does olive say in japanese in disney's ant farm on the episode sciANTs farm?
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What is olive in Japanese?

to say olive in Japanese is オリーブ and it is read like oriibu. hope this helps :)

What Popeye cartoon episode does Olive oil say wake up little rosebud?

i think episode 104563823638263652615837219830283-409280192837287392739323823

What exactly did olive say in Japanese?


Does Olive Garden serve Japanese food?

No, Olive Garden does not serve Japanese food. It is an Italian-American eatery that serves Italian-American dishes, such as spaghetti, pasta, and steak.

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I cANT remember anything

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One description of a Japanese girl is usually a petite woman who is smaller frames. Japanese women typically have longer hair which is straight in styleÊand olive colored skin tone.

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How would you say plum and olive in Japanese?

ぷらむとおりヴぉ puramu to orivu

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Are you sure it's japanese?

Were Popeye and Olive Oil Man and Wife if so why did he always have to fight a lecherous Brutus?

Originally, Popeye and Olive Oyl were never intended to be married. The whole point of the cartoons were for Popeye and Brutus (aka. Bluto) to fight for her affections. In later years, there was an episode where there was a wedding. But, it turned-out to be a dream.