being a natural at music means you are instinctively very good at playing your instrument or composing or whatever it means you were born gifted at music, not that you are good because of hard work
A natural on the Flute is a note. It is different fingering than the flat, of that note. If you look at the very beginning of the song, before the notes, you may or may not see b's on the E b line, B b line, A b line etc. These say if it is a flat of the note is played in the song, or a natural. You may see it just on one or two and not the other(s) that means that the note that does NOT have the b is a natural.
From sign del segno
acidentals are sharps or flats that either raise the note up one semitone, or lower it by one semitone. there can also be naturals, wich make the note natural again, so instead of F sharp, if you put the natural sign in, the note would just be F
"44" is the time signature in music. A time signature is a sign at the beginning of a piece of music telling you the meter. The top number tells you how many beats are in a measure, and the bottom tells you what note equals one beat.
A music notation roughly meaning "go back to the beginning, playing everything again up to the coda.
Sharp (usually a half step above the natural note)
It means the note should be played as written disregarding the key sign. Also, by convention, sharps and flats are "sticky" within a measure; the natural sign resets those as well.
From sign del segno
A natural sign will do that.
A natural sign cancels out a Flat or Sharp!:)
Natural sign is in Prentice means having the right to show what has been done. This is showing what the person has worked on.
A (apex)
The repeat sign looks something like this :ll .
*Chromatic signs are the sharp sign (♯), flat sign (♭) and natural sign (♮)a. Sharp sign(♯)- is used to raise the pitch by a half stepb. Flat sign(♭)- is used to lower the pitch by a half stepc. Natural sign(♮)- is used to restore the tone of a note to its original pitch.-:)
If a certain note is natural, it means that the specific note is played without any accidentals (sharps or flats)
If you are refering to music, the sign for sharp is #
A natural and a sharp before a note means that the note was previously a double-sharp and is now just a sharp.