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Moderato con moto is an Italian musical term that translates to "moderately with motion" in English. In terms of tempo, it indicates a moderate speed with a sense of movement or motion. Musicians should play the piece with a steady pace that is not too slow nor too fast, while also conveying a sense of energy or momentum.

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15y ago

At a Moderate tempo but with motion. At least that's the way I always interpreted it.

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Allegretto means "Moderately Fast" slower than allegro but faster than andante...con moto means "with movement" so "Moderately fast with movement" Hope that Helps :)

What does moto mean?

Moto means:Movement; manner of movement; particularly, movement with increased rapidity; -- used especially in the phrase con moto, directing to a somewhat quicker movement; as, andante con moto, a little more rapidly than andante, etc.Answer is from the source shown below in Related Links.

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Con moto

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It is an Italian term meaning with motion.

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Play at a very moderate tempo. "Assai" means "very" and "moderato" means moderate tempo.

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its a volcano "moto;moto

What does andante con moto mean?

andante con moto means moderately slow, walking, with motion. this question is in the grade 3 music theory in practice book on page 37, exercise 32, question (f)(i). hope i helped. i will try to answer some other music theory questions on this website so ask as many as you like and i will answer them. It could also mean at an easy walking pace with motion.

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moderato cantabile

What does the Italian word moto mean in English?

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When was Moderato Cantabile created?

Moderato Cantabile was created in 1958.

When was Moderato Wisintainer born?

Moderato Wisintainer was born in 1902.