a tempo/at tempo/Tempo 1
poco moto means "little movement"
Medium: makeup of the performance medium/apparatus (instrumentation:specific instruments and/or voices); size of the performance medium (number of individual parts; number of performers per part).
Andante is a musical term referring to the speed at which a piece of music should be played. It means 'slowly', or at a walking pace.
The speed of light is not medium: in vacuum, it is the highest speed that there can be. Hardly a definition of medium!
Refraction describes the bending of a wave as it travels into a different medium, due to the change in speed of the wave as it enters the new medium.
c divided by the index of refraction of the medium = the speed of light in the medium.
The speed of sound through the medium also increases.
No, light in a medium will travel at a slower speed.
When speed passes from one medium to another, it can change because the speed of a wave is determined by the medium's properties. If the wave enters a medium where its speed is higher, it will speed up. If it enters a medium with a lower speed, it will slow down. This change in speed can also cause the wave to refract or change direction.
Refraction is the term that describes the notion that light rays bend when they enter a new medium. This bending occurs due to a change in the speed of light as it transitions from one medium to another, causing the rays to change direction.
It is usually expressed the other way: the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in a medium. In that case, it is called the "index of refraction".
That quotient is the refractive index of that medium.
The speed of sound is directly proportional to the temperature of the medium. This is because temperature affects the average speed of the molecules in the medium, which in turn affects how quickly sound waves can travel through it. As temperature increases, the speed of sound also increases due to the higher molecular activity.
When waves travel from one medium to another, they encounter a change in the properties of the medium, such as density or stiffness. This change affects the speed of the waves because different mediums have different propagation speeds for the waves. The speed of the wave is determined by the medium's properties and is a result of the wave interacting with the particles or structure of that specific medium.
In a given medium, as the frequency of a wave increases, the speed of the wave remains constant. The speed of a wave in a medium is determined by the properties of that medium, such as its density and elasticity, and is independent of the frequency of the wave.