Tries to kill her because she gets a paper cut opening her gifts
Jasper has the power to feel and manipulate the emotions of people around him. So when Alice was telling Bella about the birthday party for her, he made Bella feel confused so she would agree to go to the party without arguing back. But Bella realised what he'd done. So that's what that line means.
she is a senior in new moon and graduates in eclipse, the 3rd book Bella is a senior in high school throughout New Moon. The book starts with her birthday in September. Bella graduates during the Eclipse novel.
Alice Cullen,Isabella swan,and Edward Cullen stay for 12th grade while Emmett Cullen, Jasper hale and Rosalie Hale graduate! In the book new Moon!! -Cheerlol13
It was herself, But she though it was her Grandmother at first, But then Edward was beside her and found out it wasn't her grandmother it was her.
Bella Swan's dad got her a camera for her 18th birthday.
Yes Jasper Cullen on Bella's 18th Birthday in New Moon.
Jasper and Bella get on well nearly all the time, apart from when Jasper attacks her when she cuts her finger in New Moon. This may be why Jasper votes in favour of Bella becoming a vampire (the vote takes place at the end of New Moon), because he would rather Bella be a vampire so he would not want to attack her.
Bella being Bella, she accidently cuts herself while opening a present. Jasper smells her blood undiluted and flips out. He lunges toward her, Edward pushes her into glass plates... Big ordeal.
On Bella's birthday.
James bites Bella in Twilight. Jasper gets out of control when he smells Bella's bllod, but he doesn't touch her
In the New Moon Trailer, Edward pushes Jasper at Bella's Birthday party because Bella got a paper cut and Jasper smell the blood. Jasper, (the newest vampire) charged Bella to try to bite her to suck her blood. Edward could tell what Jasper was thinking in his head so Edward pushed Bella and then threw/really pushed Jasper back away from her, because Edward didnt want something bad to happen to Bella.
Yes, Jasper, Bella, and Alice all get along except for when Jasper is not able to control himself when he smells Bella at the time that she cut herself during her birthday party at the Cullen's house. The only time that Bella and Alice don't get along is when Bella is annoyed of Alice throwing her a birthday party or getting her ready for prom.
Edward leaves Bella since Jasper goes crazy at her birthday party when she gets a papercut. Since Bella is so lonely, Jacob starts to comfort her and they get closer.
New moon
Edward and Bella kiss in New Moon again in New Moon in Bella's Birthday.
well, in New moon, Bella almost gets attacked by Paul, i think, but Jacob saves her and doesn't even get a scratch. actually in new moon Edwards brother jasper hale/Cullen attacked Bella when she got a paper cut when trying to open a present on her birthday,but of course edward stopped him. paul didnt actually attack Bella,he just threatened her and the Jacob stopped him..
Edward leaves Bella shortly towards the beginning of New Moon, after Bella's birthday party. During her party, Jasper attempted to attack Bella due to a paper cut she received while opening a present.