They are calling him 'ese. This is a common bit of slang used by Latino gangsters that means dude, homeboy, brother, etc. as in " Yo 'ese I'm gonna mess you up."
Your brother's children would be called your nieces or nephews.
Jordan and Jonathan Knight are brothers
the Jonas brothers lived in Wycoff, New Jersey when they were kids
At the time of the movie she did not have any kids.
your cousin.
Your brother's children would be called your nieces or nephews.
"Cheaper by the Dozen"
Your brothers children are your nephews (boys) and nieces (girls).
Your brother's children would be called your nieces or nephews.
because they sang it for the soundtrack of Meet the Robinsons, which was a time travel movie, and the original version, 'Kids of America', didn't fit the theme.
It is a mythical device that kids who like to cheat wish existed, where something will write an essay for you.
Your father's brother's child is your cousin. A first cousin is anyone who shares one or more common grandparents with you.
The Jonas Brothers performed SOS, Lovebug, and Tonight at the Kids Inaugural 2009
omg! im trying to find out the same movie! idk what it is! i use to watch it all the time!
A good movie 4 kids is H2O its a mermaid movie about three kids.
You are their aunt or uncle