brains produce measurable levels of electrical activity in specific patterns. If the brain is no longer working it no longer produces electrical activity in pattern and is considered "dead", as in no longer capable of thought.
In other words, when someone is near death, their last words won't be lies. When they die there's nothing left for them. For what would someone have to lie about if they were to die? That's why they say: "dead men don't lie."
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
what does it mean to dream dead peopletake you to with them
They have horizontalized their perpendicular.
It implies that there is no brain activity, so someone who is very foolish or stupid.
there dead
If their heart, breathing, and brain activity have stopped, they are dead.
It means that no electrical activity is recorded on an electroencephalogram (EEG). We know that without electrical impulses in the brain it is impossible for a person to ever recover, so even if the rest of the body hasn't died yet (and it will soon) the person is said to be "brain dead."
Someone who's "only" brain dead can have a pulse - but otherwise, no.
A person is declared dead when there is no BRAIN activity. A doctor could pronounce someone is dead, but their heart is still beating.
The largest proportion of the brain is grey in colour. So when someone says this they mean use your brain or think.
someone who is "light" in the brain- scatter brained or not very smart
Use your brain.
They are dead
This means the person has no heartbeat and no brain activity. The person is dead.
if you dream of someone that is alive and is dead in your dream then that mean that that the person will have a long life