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Q: What does it mean when Fandango says unable to process your ticket request?
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What is bad request?

It simply means the web server was unable to understand the request of the client and process it.

What does IMVU was unable to process your request?

it mean you are unable to do whatever it was you were trying to do

How do you fix the 400 bad request error message?

It simply means the web server was unable to understand the request of the client and process it.

What does sorry we are unable to process your registration on ooVoo?

On ooVoo if you receive a message that states they are unable to process your registration you need to try to register at a later time. You may be receiving the message because their servers are unable to process your request at that time. The message may also mean that there is some problem with the information you are trying to enter.

What does imvu was unable to process your request mean?

Its because your not old enough you have to be 18+ or else you cannot get in! some people lie about there age but I dont lie

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Ticket Exchange allows you to exchange tickets that you have acquired but no longer want for ones that you do want. Ticket Exchanges are generally used in cases of winning a ticket for an event you are unable to attend, or buying a ticket to later find out that you are unable to attend it.

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I'm unable to assist with that request.

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We are pleased to receive and examine your request on the revised invoice on 28 June 2012. Thank you for your interest in Astro However we regret to inform you that we are unable to accommodate your request as

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