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that the beast is fake and only there in their minds, a figment of their imagination

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Q: What does Simon realize the other boys are unable to grasp?
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Alvin and the chip monks are also known as the Kool one the smart one what is the other one named?

Nope simon simon

How does Simon get along with the littluns?

Simon has very little interaction with the littluns other than picking fruit which they cannot reach as he passes though a group of them on his way to his 'secret place' in the jungle. Essentially Simon is a loner but what contact he has with other boys tends to be with the bigguns, in particular Ralph.

What kind of boy is Simon in Lord of the Flies?

Simon is a quite boy who keeps to himself a lot. Simon is happy to pick ripe fruit for the littluns who are unable to reach it. He admires Ralph and is happy to help him build shelters and is also happy to run an errand for Ralph, through the darkening jungle when the rest of the boys are scared of the prospect. Simon thinks a lot and seems to have realised, along with Ralph, that the beast is simply part of themselves and not some sort of creature, as most of the other boys believe. Simon faints on occasion and also seems to suffer from epilepsy, which would account for his imagined conversation with the Lord of the Flies, his nose bleed and subsequent collapse. The need to avoid being seen while experiencing an epileptic fit would also account for Simon's desire to spend time alone in his 'secret place.' *Simon is actually suppose to depict the biblical Jesus Christ.

Is Simon really batty?

No, Simon is infact the Christ like figure in Lord of the Flies. He has the ability to "see the future" and is more quiet and solemn compared to the other boys. The boys think Simon is crazy becuase he is not like the rest of them.

Who is Simon gurdy?

from what I have gleaned, in Ohio in the early 1800's, there was a settler named Simon Gurdy that sided with the Indians against the US. He is said to have killed and scalped a lot of other settlers.

Related questions

What are other words for learn?

Other words for "learn" include master, attain, grasp, and study.

In Lord of the Flies why is Simon killed?

Simon is mistaken for the beast by the other boys during a chaotic nighttime ritual. In their frenzied state, they lose control and beat him to death before realizing their mistake. The violent and irrational behavior of the boys reflects the breakdown of order and morality on the island.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Other Side of Simon - 2012?

The cast of The Other Side of Simon - 2012 includes: Perry Fitzpatrick as Simon

Who recognizes the true nature of the beast on the island but is unable to express it to the others in the lord of the flies?

Simon recognizes the true nature of the beast on the island, but he struggles to communicate his insights to the other boys due to their growing savagery and fear. Simon realizes that the beast represents the darkness within themselves and the fear that drives their actions, but his attempts to convey this message are misunderstood and ultimately silenced.

What is the verb form of realization?

Realize. Realize is a regular verb, it's other forms are realize realizes realized realizing

Who can write acrostic poems?

Poets and other people with a fair grasp of their language/

What were Saint Simon's qualities?

Are you referring to Simon the Apostle or one of the other saints by that name. Please be specific.

Was Simon Peter born a Jew?

ANSWER:Yes Simon Peter was a Jew as were the other 11 disciples/Apostles.

Better words to use other than understand?

Comprehend, perceive, grasp, apprehend, fathom.

What was the other name chose for one direction?


When did Saint Simon become a saint?

There are a number of saints named Simon. However, if you are referring to Simon the Apostle, he was declared a saint by popular acclaim long before the official canonization process was instituted. He was probably already called a saint by the end of the first century.

What is Simon Seville's IQ?

Simon's IQ is just north of Einstein's so it was quoted by Janice Karmen or the other guy