It may mean that she is having a bad day or she is really upset about something that happened.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean he has a bad voice.
The A-Team
No she is not!! She also no longer works for the WWE due to bad attitude problems.
Yes, unfortunately she is :(
it made her strong and much more devoted
Do I really have to say it? A guy plus a 16 year old girl with a bad attitude? Put the two together and you should have your answer. If you really can't guess what I'm trying to say here, let me just say it's nothing I can say on this website. (if you know what I mean =D ) and excuse me but maybe the bad attitude is coming from something mean or something she would be mad about that you did to her
You have an bad behavioral problem
it depends on their attitude
You don't need to do this . If she bothers you avoid her . There is a little change if she could change but she could change yours if she have a bad attitude , so just be aware.People with bad attitudes already know they are this way and others have probably told this girl off about her attitude, but it is obvious she is not willing to learn anything to change her attitude so don't waste your energy on her and move on. Hopefully in the future she will eventually get the picture that having a bad attitude doesn't get her anywhere.
You can change her attitude by doing what you are trying to change her. An example of this is, if you want to change her bad attitude toward her parents, you must also do so as to your parent what you are telling her. I tried it and it was successful.
he doesnt like a girl to have a bad attitude but he loves it when she dresses nicely (:
When a girl says that you not bad means that she thinks you are a nice person. This could also mean that she likes you.
What girl have attitude when you give her line?in love
the name josseline it goes for HOT GIRL with attitude that know wht she does
Report them. Just because they are a member doesn't mean they can act naughty/ bad.
Bad girl, as in someone who is naughty, would be tuhma tyttö.If you mean a bad girl as in a bad person then it's paha tyttö.
A negative attitude is a bad attitude. You see everything negative.