I am Edward Hibberts of manchester, and my face is fine.. i think!, though it has had a rough time, a few stitches, fractures and a coupple of screws due to some unfortunate accidents.
He was shot in the face.....
She said she loved Edward. Which Edward happened to bring up in one of their following conversations.
Edward has been wondering if Alphonse hates him for what happened to them when they tried to bring their mom back to life.
Both Victoria and Laurent were chasing her but Laurent found her first.-Laurent was scouting out forks "as a fovor to Victoria" when Bella happened upon him while he was hunting. It was never his intention to hunt her down face to face or kill her. He was just there to find out if the Cullens were still protecting her. He did want to kill Bella after he ran into her as she is "so mouthwatering" but he never chased her. He was chased away from her by the wolves and in turn killed.
I wonder myself. His name is Edward Kines Crawford, and you can't find anything online about him.
Lauren Hibberts head :)
Who married Edward john eyre
Dr. Hibbert and has at least three children, two boys and a girl. Their names are not known.
he died.
He was shot in the face.....
Edward fell and tore his ligements in his left leg
Who married Edward john eyre
Order of Prince Edward Island happened in 1996.
The old man in Edward's poem died at the end.
He Crapped Every Where
Before he was born a birthmark was formed on it. Other than that nothing happened to his face.