Edward has been wondering if Alphonse hates him for what happened to them when they tried to bring their mom back to life.
Alphonse Chapanis was born in 1917.
Victor-Alphonse Huard died on 1929-10-15.
Alphonse Juin died on January 27, 1967 at the age of 78.
Alphonse Daudet was born on May 13, 1840 and died on December 16, 1897. Alphonse Daudet would have been 57 years old at the time of death or 175 years old today.
Alphonse Beau de Rochas was born on 1815-04-09.
the name Alphonse to me is from the hit anime series Full Metal Alchemist. he is the younger brother of Edward elric.... his full name is Alphonse elric. hiromu arakawa got the name alphonse from a famous french painter. (btw, she got edward's name [edward] from the movie Edward Scissor Hands)
It is unknown if Edward and his brother Alphonse have a middle name.
It is unknown if Edward and his brother Alphonse have a middle name.
Edward Elric's arm was taken away when him and Alphonse Elric, his younger brother, tried to bring their dead mother, Trisha Elric, back to life. In accordance to the Law of Equivalent Exchange Alphonse lost his body and Edward lost his leg. So Edward lost his arm to attach Alphonse's soul to a suit of arm using a blood seal.
Edward and Alphonse Elric
Edward Elric's arm was taken away when him and Alphonse Elric, his younger brother, tried to bring their dead mother, Trisha Elric, back to life. In accordance to the Law of Equivalent Exchange Alphonse lost his body and Edward lost his leg. So Edward lost his arm to attach Alphonse's soul to a suit of arm using a blood seal.
alphonse, edward,mustaing/roy.major,scar,
In a can
They know where their house is. But they burnt it down.
She gets some kind of illness which causes her to die.
Edward Elric's arm was taken away when him and Alphonse Elric, his younger brother, tried to bring their dead mother, Trisha Elric, back to life. In accordance to the Law of Equivalent Exchange Alphonse lost his body and Edward lost his leg. So Edward lost his arm to attach Alphonse's soul to a suit of arm using a blood seal.
The father of Edward Elric (the fullmetal alchemist) and his brother Alphonse is Van Hohenheim