During the first movie Bellatrix lestrainge is torturing them and dobby comes to save them so he elf-aperates them but Bellatrix throws her knife at him and he dies but I cant explain in the amount of space given how they came to be at malfoy manor so watch the movie
Dobby tries to disapparate out of Malfoy Manor with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. He has made Bellatrix very mad, and she throws her small knife at the area where they disapparate. It ends up hitting Dobby, and Harry realizes it only after they have arrived at Bill and Fleur's, where they disapparated to.
Right before Bellatrix throws the knife at Dobby he says, "Dobby has no master!" squealed the elf. "Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!"
His last words ever were, "Harry...Potter..."
Dobby is the correct spelling.
Dobby died in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
No Dobby and Kreature are not friends. Dobby is a kind house elf and Kreature is grouchy and mean.
dobby has no sir name, houselves never do dobby's original owners were the malfoys. so in that sense you could say that dobby's sir name is malfoy. but house elves NEVER have sir names, as most wizards do not view them as equals, and some wizards treat them like dirt.
Karl Dobby was born in Yorkshire, in England, UK.
You do not.
Dobby is the correct spelling.
Dobby does not marry anyone he dies in the seventh book saving Harry and Hermione
Dobby dies in the final book. For good.
he gets stabbed when trying to help harry out and dies
After almost killing Bellatrix Lestrange in the 7th book, Dobby says to her, "You will not harm Harry Potter."
When Dobby dies. The chapter entitled: "The Forest Again"
he dies on page 475 of the 2007 hardcover American edition.
He dies at Shell Cottage .
Dobby died in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
In "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," Dobby the house-elf is killed by Bellatrix Lestrange. During the Battle of Malfoy Manor, Bellatrix throws a knife at Harry and his friends as they Disapparate, and Dobby is hit by the knife as he apparates them to safety. Dobby dies in Harry's arms shortly after, leading to a heartbreaking moment in the series.
Before any movies, James and Lily Potter die, in the first book, Quirrel dies in the second book, tom riddle dies, in the forth book, Cedrick Diggory dies, in the fifth book, Sirius Black dies, In the sixth book, Dumbledoor dies,. In the seventh book, Dobby, Snape, Voldemort, Fred, Tonks, Goyle and random students die.