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they smell like cheese! The soles smell really nice and so does the insides of her shoes

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Q: What does cheryl coles feet smell like?
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Why doe men like to smell womens feet?

Because to some men, feet are as beautiful as the woman's face, breasts etc. Not all men like to smell feet and those that do like to smell feet, do like all feet.

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What kind of question is that they probobly smell like feet

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no because usually dogs feet doesn't smell!!!!!

What do feet smell like?

feet smell like socks, sweat, a little of soap and a lot of cheese ( wich somtimes smell so bad )

What does Michelle Obama's feet smell like?

They probably smell like everyone else's-- when people are busy or they walk a lot, their feet will perspire. But after a shower or bath, their feet will probably smell very pleasant.

Why do some boys like to smell boys and girls big feet?

It depends on what they prefer, they could like the odd smell to feet, or the possible dusty sting of the odor, basically they like the smell or the act of smelling peoples feet.

What is Cheryl coles best song?

well i think that her songs are all good here are some i like fight for this love 3 words parachute and loads more