The correct spelling for the Italian word is arrivederci instead of arriva derche. The word means farewell or "until we meet again."
You were pretty close in your question.'Arriva Derche Roma'
John mccain
Paul Whitehouse
It mean pearl
You were pretty close in your question.'Arriva Derche Roma'
Roland Derche has written: 'Quatre mythes poetiques'
Arriva was created in 1938.
Arriva's population is 2,010.
The population of Arriva is 44,000.
The origin of the Arriva timetable stems from the time Arriva ran its first bus service. Today, the Arriva timetable is a quite large and complex document.
Arriva Southend was created in 1998.
Arriva Yorkshire was created in 1997.
Arriva Midlands was created in 1997.
Arriva Derby was created in 1997.
Arriva Towers - Calgary - was created in 2007.
Arriva UK Trains was created in 2011.