An abbot on an ambling pad likely refers to a religious leader (abbot) riding a horse or other animal that moves at a leisurely pace (ambling). The term "pad" could refer to the saddle or cushion the abbot is sitting on. This phrase could be used metaphorically to suggest a calm and unhurried demeanor or approach to leadership.
Helen Abbot Merrill was born in 1864.
Oh, dude, the abbot didn't actually kill novice John. That's just some juicy gossip floating around the monastery grapevine. I mean, I'm pretty sure the abbot has better things to do than offing novices. Like, have you seen how many prayers they have to say in a day? It's a full-time job just trying to keep up with all that holy stuff.
Russ Abbot is 63 years old (birthdate: September 16, 1947).
Abbot was benefited by shepherd because he had a lot of resemblance with abbot so much that father pop wouldn’t be able to judge him. Also only the shepherd knew the answers of the three questions that the King had asked Abbot. Read more on -
yes cerys matthews is married to steven abbot congratulation cerys and steven abbot i hope to see you soon :) x
Its a drum kit. Ambling means vibrating and a pad is a flat surface. Therefore an ambling pad is a drum kit.
abbot is the superior of monastery
In the context of "Romeo and Juliet," ambling refers to moving at a leisurely pace or strolling. The term is often used to describe the gentle and graceful movement of a character.
A padnag is a person who is an ambling nag.
The young goat came ambling over when I held out my handful of hay.
please be more specific, how should we know what you mean? it could be a kaoss pad and a mouse pad. and what do you mean by what a pad is for?
what does 18k pad on a ring mean
Pad=stir fry
Abbot Apodemus.
Abbot Glisam was the first abbot dormouse of Redwall.
The word abbot does not have an opposite. The word abbess, if that is what you have in mind, is not an antonym of abbot.
I am looking what does mean PAD in Shipping freight terms