Its a drum kit. Ambling means vibrating and a pad is a flat surface. Therefore an ambling pad is a drum kit.
An abbot on an ambling pad likely refers to a religious leader (abbot) riding a horse or other animal that moves at a leisurely pace (ambling). The term "pad" could refer to the saddle or cushion the abbot is sitting on. This phrase could be used metaphorically to suggest a calm and unhurried demeanor or approach to leadership.
A padnag is a person who is an ambling nag.
The young goat came ambling over when I held out my handful of hay.
In the context of "Romeo and Juliet," ambling refers to moving at a leisurely pace or strolling. The term is often used to describe the gentle and graceful movement of a character.
the Italian giant primo carnera.
Walking, ambling, trotting, running, etc.
walking slowly i think and i am sure it is walking slowly orlesieurly
A stroll is an ambling - a leisurely walk or ramble.
A palfrey is a small horse with a smooth ambling gait, popular in the Middle Ages.
A trammel is a tool used to restrain a horse's ambling. It is also a type of fishing net.
john slongania
ambling along shuffling about striding wandering