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I'm assuming this was at the beginning of a piece (?)

I'm not sure what 'ed' means but if i were to assume that it means 'and' i would say it all means "slow, sustained, and expressive". i would generally put something like this on a piece for strings or horns or something. in piano,strings ect... you'll often see "espress." notated below or in the middle of the grand staff (unless you're specifying only the treble or bass). that kind of means to just play the instrument with more feeling, subtle excitement, character and expressiveness. some may hate me for saying this, but i usually look at it as a "rubato" for volume, if that makes any sense...but the emotion still has to be there or it doesn't work. :)

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Jeni Seet

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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Leonie Low

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βˆ™ 3y ago

slow sustained and espressive

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Connor Lakin

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βˆ™ 3y ago
Where did you find that?

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Jeni Seet

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βˆ™ 3y ago

Slow sustained and espressive

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