It's a paper with a bunch of words and some lines for someone to sign. Much like a regular contract.
Well no, but WWE want the WWE Unverise to blevie that Jeff Hardy is exterme so that made Matt Hardy were a cast to make it look like that Jeff broke his arm.
wwe superstars can like or hate each other like you can like other just like u
The WWE or its superstars have never released usernames of WWE Superstars or Divas who may have accounts.
WWE is for both males and females. If you look in the audience you will see this.
no my friend he is not real but sasqaches are realand dragons and manny more
This is What he Looks Like
like dis
has a spear
an alien....
well you have seen kane from wwe when he removed his mask he look horrible but its make up they look like normal poeple and kane looks how e was in 2010
2 words: John Cena
Please check the ' Related Links ' section for a link to the WWE NXT title.
It doesn't look like they are having one in 2009
WWE is all staged, it may look or seem real, but it is just as real like when you see fighting on TV.
Dude, WWE would destroy TNA like moses did to that sea! stop by here, and look at some of the crazy matchs and articles we have on WWE, not even a close match.