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Ralph spots a plume of smoke comming from the funnel of a ship on the horizon.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Ralph runs into the forest and discovers the pig head staked into the ground. He gets mesmerized my the head and gets angry and punches it until it breaks in half.

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Q: What does Ralph see in the distance?
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How do Ralph Jack and Roger react when they finally see the beat?

Ralph, Jack, and Roger are very frightened when they finally see the beast.

Who or what saves Ralph in the end?

Fleeing from Jack and his hunters Ralph stumbled onto the beach, near the shelters, and was confronted by a naval officer. Jack and his hunters also emerged from the jungle a short distance behind Ralph but immediately stopped their pursuit of Ralph on sighting the officer. You might therefore say that the arrival of the officer saved Ralph from Jack and his hunters. However the officer was only there because his ship had sighted the smoke coming from the island. The smoke came from the out of control fire which Jack had lit to try and drive Ralph from his hiding place. So, with typical Golding irony the fire which Jack lit in an effort to kill Ralph proved to be Ralph's salvation.

Why would Ralph not be a good chess player Lord of the flies?

Because Ralph doesn't hide his emotions, he expresses them freely. When he is ecstatically happy he stands on his head and when he is angry he loses his temper. Ralph 'wears his heart on his sleeve' for all to see and they know exactly where they stand with him.

Who climbs the mountain to see the beast and how do they react?

Yes, I have to agree with that about Samneric climbing the Mountain.

Why did the narrator say Ralph would never make a good chess player in the Lord of the Flies?

Because Ralph doesn't hide his emotions, he expresses them freely. When he is ecstatically happy he stands on his head and when he is angry he loses his temper. Ralph 'wears his heart on his sleeve' for all to see and they know exactly where they stand with him.

Related questions

Which movie should you see Flight or Wreck it-Ralph?

Wreck it- Ralph

How do Ralph Jack and Roger react when they finally see the beat?

Ralph, Jack, and Roger are very frightened when they finally see the beast.

What does Ralph see as he and piggy and Maurice play the pool?

They see a ship

What is the distance is the distance you can see ahead?

the visibility

What is the flying distance from Anchorage to Kotzebue?

The flight distance from Anchorage, Alaska to Kotzebue's Ralph Wien Memorial Airport is 549 miles.

Where is Ralph's house on Simpson's hit and run x-box?

You can't see Ralph's house, is in the gutter.

What does Ralph see as he piggy and Maurice play near pool?

They see a ship

What happened to Ralph?

See the related links below.

Why does Ralph say they need to build a fire?

ralph says we need to do a fire so if a ship passes they can see us

What three boys go on the exploration to see if they are indeed on an island in lord of the flies?

Ralph, Jack, and Simon are the three boys who go on an exploration to see if they are indeed on an island in "Lord of the Flies."

What film the Ralph fiennies star in?

Ralph Fiennes has been starred in a number of films ~ see related link below to his filmography .

Ralph cushman poem?

Ralph Cushman was a clergyman who wrote prayers and religious poems. See the link Below for some examples.