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Fleeing from Jack and his hunters Ralph stumbled onto the beach, near the shelters, and was confronted by a naval officer. Jack and his hunters also emerged from the jungle a short distance behind Ralph but immediately stopped their pursuit of Ralph on sighting the officer. You might therefore say that the arrival of the officer saved Ralph from Jack and his hunters. However the officer was only there because his ship had sighted the smoke coming from the island. The smoke came from the out of control fire which Jack had lit to try and drive Ralph from his hiding place. So, with typical Golding irony the fire which Jack lit in an effort to kill Ralph proved to be Ralph's salvation.

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Q: Who or what saves Ralph in the end?
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What orvwho saves Ralph in the end?

In the end of the book, Ralph is saved by a naval officer who happens to find them on the island. However, Ralph is not overjoyed but rather saddened because of the deaths of Piggy and Simon and how he will never be the same again.

How is Ralph saved at the possible moment?

A navel officer suddenly appears and saves Ralph along with all the others.

How is Ralph saved at the last possible moment?

A navel officer suddenly appears and saves Ralph along with all the others.

Who or what saves Ralph in the end of the story lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," Ralph is saved by a naval officer who arrives on the island to rescue the boys. The officer sees the chaos and destruction caused by the boys and intervenes to put a stop to it. Ralph is ultimately saved from the savage tribe led by Jack.

When did Ralph Records end?

Ralph Records ended in 1987.

Why did Ralph tear at the end of the novel?

Ralph cried at the end of the novel because of Piggy. He mourned for his friend and was sad that he wasn't able to return home with Piggy.

In Lord of the Flies what does Ralph ask Jack?

After Ralph won the election to be chief, leaving jack as the losing candidate, Ralph placed Jack in charge of the choir and allowed Jack to choose what he wished them to be. Jack chose, "Hunters."

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they get married and yeah. oh and also, Ralph and Venellope become great friends and Ralph loves job. He alos learns that how bad could he be.

What did jack's tribe try to do to Ralph at the end of the book?

kill him

How many people went over to jacks side by the end of the day in lord of the flies?

It depends at the end of which day you are talking about! If it is at the very end of the book then all the boys except Ralph went on Jack's side. In chapters 9-10-11 Piggy, Samneric, Ralph and some littluns were on Ralph's side.

When did Ralph Avenue - BMT Fulton Street Line - end?

Ralph Avenue - BMT Fulton Street Line - ended in 1940.

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They were fighting with Roger, and Jack stole fire from Piggy and Ralph.