Well PA, generally stands for Parental Advisory. Usually used when there is course language or adult content - even in music.
So a non PA Version means that the music has been edited for lyrical content. It's been edited or bleeped.
It's called sheet music.
The American version was in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The original English show was in Slough, Berkshire.
It's V1, which mean Version 1.0
Pa Hesus is sung for a person on the brink of dying, repeated over and over as a way of entrusting the soul to God and driving away evil spirits.
In music publishing, physical version is actual CDs or albums of the music, as opposed to digital downloads.
In music publishing, 'physical version' refers to CDs or albums, as opposed to digital download or 'virtual versions'.
PA Music Scene was created in 2009.
It stands for "public address." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_address
It depends which version of Halo you mean. I have 3 different Halos on my ipod.
It's a rated G version of GTFOH
If you mean v5.5 and v5 then yes, go to the conncection icon, select OTHERS on music star and V5 on Version 5/.5 then game on version 5/.5 then B on v5/.5 I hope I helped
decrescendo is a term in music it is usually shown by a larger and longer version of ">". It means to play softer
The song is "music is my music" from 'CSS" ^^ that would be the sensored version the real version however is 'music is my hot hot sex' - css
No, it has a different set of tunes. The N64 version has midi compositions as opposed to the Playstations' 'real' live recorded music.
This can mean many different things. It depends on the context it was said in-it could mean you have bad taste in music because you like pop music, or it could mean you are loose sexually. Check out the definitions at urban dictionary, and you decide which version was meant.
PA systems are not marketed to music as the name suggests they are mainly made for Public speaking(PA public address). But the Hisonic PA-687S 80-Watt Portable PA System would be okay for music just starting out or small events.