In the actual games, she wears a white t shirt and thermal jacket, with khaki pants and boots.
In the opening ceremony, she wears a simple black leotard that is eventually lit on fire...start of her tribute nickname, "the girl on fire"
For her interview, she wears a red and orange dress that makes it look like flames are dancing aroun her.
Katniss is the mockingjay- literally she isn't a bird, but she is the thing that survived despite the Capitols intentions, like a mockinjay. Katniss, the Girl on Fire- She is the spark that set the districts alight with the idea of rebellion and the courage to change. She's never actually on fire... except for that bit where she gets hit with a fire ball in the Games... but other than that, it's a metaphor No. Katniss was called the girl on fire because...............................................they lit her up in the introduction? Have you even read the book? UmmNo! So? I have read the book, and she does get hit by some fire. That was not why she was called the girl on fire. It was because of her costume. AND, this is a hyperbole. The first one is a metaphor.
In the opening ceremonies, each district is required to wear something that represents their district. In district 12, they represent coal mines. So, in the past games there have been costumes in the opening ceremonies about coal such as naked bodies with coal sprinkled on them, and other horrible costumes that Katniss doesn't like. So she is worried that she will have a bad and enbarassing costume for the opening ceremony.
The locket that Peeta gave Katniss in Catching Fire is gold and has a mockingjay ingraved in the front, inside the locket there is a picture of Gale and her mother and her sister Prim.
yes. in the epilogue of mockingjay it says they are married and have kids. which is a great ending, because I love peeta (:
Katniss is actually an aquatic plant that is also called Saggitaria. The seeds in the center of the flower of the plant are shaped like arrowheads. The plant gets its name from the Zodiac constellation Sagitarrius - or, "The Archer."
it never says if she is christian but it feels like she is
His full name is unknown. Same with Katniss's mother
katniss doesnt like to see people naked and other people know it so they make a big deal about being extra conceited/bold in front of her. katniss seems more reserved and more "pure" than others. it just makes her feel uncomfortable. so johanna takes her costume off (now fully naked) in the elevator with her and Peeta. and Chaff kisses katniss. its just like a joke between all the victors/tributes and she just doesnt like being laughed at...
Katniss is the mockingjay- literally she isn't a bird, but she is the thing that survived despite the Capitols intentions, like a mockinjay. Katniss, the Girl on Fire- She is the spark that set the districts alight with the idea of rebellion and the courage to change. She's never actually on fire... except for that bit where she gets hit with a fire ball in the Games... but other than that, it's a metaphor No. Katniss was called the girl on fire because...............................................they lit her up in the introduction? Have you even read the book? UmmNo! So? I have read the book, and she does get hit by some fire. That was not why she was called the girl on fire. It was because of her costume. AND, this is a hyperbole. The first one is a metaphor.
Pg. 67 - 72
In the opening ceremonies, each district is required to wear something that represents their district. In district 12, they represent coal mines. So, in the past games there have been costumes in the opening ceremonies about coal such as naked bodies with coal sprinkled on them, and other horrible costumes that Katniss doesn't like. So she is worried that she will have a bad and enbarassing costume for the opening ceremony.
A old man who doesnt like Katniss for what she did with the berries
The locket that Peeta gave Katniss in Catching Fire is gold and has a mockingjay ingraved in the front, inside the locket there is a picture of Gale and her mother and her sister Prim.
catching fire is about katniss being entereed in the hunger games again... i have no idea why yet but she does
She had two interviews which involved the dress getting on fire when she twils around.
Yes, she is quoted in the book as "the girl who was on fire." It is also appropriate due to the fact that she spreads" rebellion around like flames.
because she is just cool like that not awesome just cool marvel from hunger games is awesome