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he is a very tall man, he is very built too.noone really messes with him.he would hurt you.. badly. [:nahh. totally kidding.he is a good guy unless.. you think you can take the guy..ha, youll be surprised.. what he can do. ( :BE AWARE. HE IS EVERYWHERE.

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Q: What does John Cena look like?
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His enitials are..................JFAC John Felix Antony Cena or look at

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No John Cena already has a wife , look on wikipedia

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John Cena is the best wrestler ever!

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mickey james might like john cena but john cena thinks mickey james is a bitch

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yes john cena loves maryse and maryse loves john cena

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Does John Cena have tattoos?

john cena dont got tattos because he thinks they make you look stronger but john cena thinks he looks storng enough.